Marijuana Caregiver

A Brief History Of Cannabis

Cannabis [has] been part of the human experience for eons according to archeological discoveries dating evidence to third millennium BC.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, ganja, pot, weed and many other names, is in news headlines at state and federal levels a lot lately. It’s been part of the human experience for eons according to archeological discoveries dating evidence to third millennium BC. 

Humans and cannabis evolved together with cannabis making phytocannabinoids while humans have a need for cannabinoids in our endocannabinoid system. It’s a match made in heaven some might say.

We all know THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive component of marijuana – the one that gets us high. However, THC is only one of over 450 known compounds in the cannabis plant, and 65 +/- of these additional compounds have been identified as cannabinoids. So what else does the cannabis plant have to offer?

Cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromene (CBC), and cannabinol (CBN) are among the identified cannabinoids with beneficial effects. For our community of medical marijuana patients, beneficial is a much broader term than getting high. For this reason, cannabis can be considered a beneficial herbal supplement.

Used medicinally, cannabis can be consumed as smoke or vapor, in edibles or sublingual tinctures, even transdermal patches. Smoke, vapor, and sublingual have the benefit of being fast-acting. Edible and transdermal preparations have the benefit of being long-lasting. Each delivery type also has its own solvents and preparation techniques. This has led to vendors in the legal recreational and medical states developing a wide array of products to make the consumption of marijuana as a beneficial herbal supplement an easy part of our daily lives.

Consuming marijuana daily to offset our chronic pain, inflammation, bowel, mood, and myriad other issues is a balancing act. To live a highly productive life one does not want to be high all the time, so one must find a balance. That balance comes from using hemp and non-psychoactive strain extracts such as VCDC. Such strains are lower in or have no THC at all, but are higher in other cannabinoids like CBD. 

CBD carries it’s own unique set of benefits separate from but often working in conjunction with THC. There are many high-quality CBD rich products on the market today. In time, specific blends will come on the market to help with sleep, appetite, and mood support much like there are herbal tea blends for the same effects.

In addition to broadening our cannabinoid consumption, micro-dosing is highly recommended. Micro-dosing is taking small doses more frequently to provide relief without being too high. Doses as low as 2.5mg can be effective for this, especially in edibles. Effects from edibles tend to come on slower and last longer so are the perfect micro-dose delivery method to maintain a blood level. 

A term for your micro-dose is canna-number. Your Canna-number is the number of mg to take ever few hours to participate in your favorite activities with a smile and some control over your symptoms without being stoned.

Enjoy your life!








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